Mourning Groundsel (Senecio lugens Richardson) Notecard
Mourning Groundsel (Senecio lugens Richardson) Notecard
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Mourning Groundsel (Senecio lugens Richardson)
Mourning groundsel is a peculiar plant, thriving in situations
where camps have been located, and blooming late in the flov^er-
ing season. The flower stalk, about a foot tall, rises from the center
of a rosette of large leaves, and from the top of the stem a half
dozen flowers on long stems sprawl irregularly. The name com-
memorates a massacre at Bloody Falls on the Coppermine River in
Yukon, within the Arctic Circle, where a party of Eskimos was de-
stroyed by Northern Indians who accompanied the explorer Heme.
The range of mourning groundsel is from Montana and Wash-
ington northward to Yukon.
Our sketch was made from a specimen found on the upper Pipe-
stone River, fifteen miles northwest of Lake Louise, at an altitude
of 5,000 feet
This image comes from the Smithsonian Publication "North American Wildflowers by Mary Vaux Walcott"
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